Atlas digital del esqueleto de Lynx pardinus

Hueso pelviano de Lynx pardinus

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Tablas de medidas de Hueso pelviano↑subir
ID Código Descripción Media Ver
* Puedes comprobar la medida clicando en "Ver".
GLGreatest length of the half. Important: epiphyseal parts of the Tuber coxae and the Tuber ischiadicum must have fused! 127.82 Ver
LALength of the acetabulum including the lip (-) 21.35 Ver
LARLength of the acetabulum on the rim (+) 16.10 Ver
LSLength of the simphysys. Only measurede when the two halves have fused. 56.96 Ver
SHSmallest height of the shaft of ilium (+) 20.56 Ver
SBSmallest breadth of the shaft of ilium 10.00 Ver
LFoInner length of the foramen obturatum (+) 31.16 Ver
GBTcGreatest breadth across the Tubera cozarum - greatest breadth across the lateral angle (+) 68.66 Ver
GBAGreatest breadth across the acetabula (+) 58.54 Ver
GBTiGreatest breadth across the Tubera ischiadica (+) 66.31 Ver
SBISmallest breadth across the bodies of the ischia (+) 52.95 Ver