Digital atlas of the skeleton of Lynx pardinus

Radius of Lynx pardinus

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Radius measures data table ↑top
ID Code Description Middle Show
* You can check measure id clicking on the "Show" measure link.
GLGreatest length (+) 149.83 Show
BP(Greatest) breadth of the proximal end (+) 13.69 Show
BFp(Greatest) breadth of the Facies orticularis proximalis (humeral articular surface). Measured in the same plane as Bp. Only in equids and ruminants (+) 11.73 Show
SDSmallest bread of the diaphysis. In radii in wich the corpus is twisted. the alignment for the SD measurement is determined by direction of the proximal articular surface (+) 10.29 Show
Bd(Greatest) breadth of the distal end (+) 20.66 Show
BFd(Greatest) breadth of the Facies articularis distalis. Measured in the same plane as Bd. Only in equids andruminants (+). 13.37 Show